We found activity in a tiny little factory near the base of the brain called the ventral tegmental area. 我们发现在大脑底部附近有一块活跃的微小的区域&腹侧背盖区。
The Roles of Orexin ⅰ Receptor in Ventral Tegmental Area and Nucleus Accumbens in Drug-seeking Behavior Induced by Morphine 中脑腹侧被盖区和伏隔核内食欲素Ⅰ型受体在大鼠觅药行为表达中的作用
Effects of naloxone on the contents of camp in hypothalamus and AVP in ventral septal area in fever rats 纳洛酮对发热大鼠下丘脑中cAMP和腹中膈区AVP含量的影响
They found that feelings of intensive romantic love were linked to activity in the right caudate nucleus and right ventral tegmental area dopamine. 他们发现强烈而又浪漫的爱情感觉跟右尾状核和右腹侧被盖区多巴胺有关。
AIM To determine the effects of tetrahydroprotoberberines ( THPB) on functions of neurons in the ventral tegmental area ( VTA) of morphine dependent rats. 目的研究吗啡依赖对大鼠中脑腹侧被盖区(VTA)神经元功能变化以及四氢原小檗碱(THPB)的干预作用。
Control group received a unilateral microinjection of 6 OHDA into the right ventral tegmental area ( VTA) and the right median forebrain bundle ( MFB). 对照组采用6-OHDA立体定向注入大鼠右侧前脑内侧束(MFB)和中脑被盖腹侧区(VTA),制成偏侧帕金森病(PD)模型。
Aim: To study the change of dopaminergic neurons in mesencephalic ventral tegmental area ( VTA) of Parkinson disease ( PD) rats. 目的:探讨帕金森病(PD)大鼠中脑腹侧被盖区(VTA)多巴胺(DA)能神经元的改变。
When HRP was injected to ventrobasal nucleus of the thalamus, labeled cell bodies were observed in anterior cingulate cortex. The density of labeled cell bodies was higher in the dorsal area than that of in the ventral area. 当HRP注入丘脑腹侧基底核时,在同侧扣带回前部观察到标记的细胞,标记细胞密度背侧区比腹侧区高。
Objective To study the effect of electrical stimulation on the ventral tegmental area and medial forebrain bundle ( MFB) lesion on the firing of neurons in the posterior nucleus accumbens. 目的探讨电刺激腹侧被盖区(VTA)及损伤前脑内侧束(MFB)对后侧伏核(PNA)神经元电活动的影响。
Labeled cells were found in compact part of the substantia nigra, the ventral tegmental area, the dorsal raphe nucleus and the central gray of aqueduct in the brainstem. 在脑干的黑质致密部、腹侧被盖区、中缝背核、导水管周灰质中也可见标记细胞。
The projection of the ventral tegmental area to the olfactory tubercle in rats 大鼠中脑腹侧被盖区向嗅结节的投射
Regulatory effect of ventral tegmental area on sleep-wakefulness in rats 大鼠中脑腹侧被盖区在睡眠-觉醒调节中的作用
The ventral tegmental area is another source of centrifugal fibers to the olfactory bulb. 腹侧被盖区是嗅球传入纤维的另一来源。
Histochemical Study of Dopamine on Rat Substantia Nigra ─ ventral Tegmental Area During Status Epilepticus 大鼠癫痫持续状态黑质-腹侧被盖区多巴胺的组织化学研究
Role of ventral medullary area of rabbits in the inhibitory mechanism of morphine on respiration 家兔延髓腹侧区在吗啡抑制呼吸机制中的作用
Damages of brain tissue by heroin, morphine and pethidine chronic dependence and spontaneous withdrawal, especially in neurons of cerebral cortex, periaqueductal gray matter and the ventral tegmental area which are closely related to opiums drug abuse; 海洛因、吗啡、度冷丁慢性依赖和自然戒断对脑组织的损害,尤其与阿片类药物滥用关系密切的中枢神经系统重要功能部位大脑皮质、中脑导水管周围灰质和中脑腹侧被盖区神经细胞的损害;
At caudal hypo-thalamus level, it runs in ventral tegmental area and a region between medial lemniscus and cerebral peduncle. 至下丘脑尾侧部行于被盖腹侧区及其背外侧,在内侧丘系与大脑脚间。
The meso-hippocampal dopaminergic terminals is mainly located in the ventral hippocampal area in rats; 海马多巴胺能神经纤维末梢主要存在于海马腹侧区;
Whereas in craving period, increasing metabolic areas in ventral tegmental area, amygdala, nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex were observed. 中脑腹侧被盖区、杏仁核、前额叶皮质、伏隔核等在药物心理渴求形成中起着重要作用。
The Regulation of NO in Ventral Tegmental Area on Dopamine Neurons in Rats NO对大鼠中脑腹侧被盖区DA神经元的调节
Experimental change of dopaminergic neurons in mesencephalic ventral tegmental area of Parkinson disease rats 帕金森病大鼠中脑腹侧被盖区多巴胺能神经元的改变
Objective: To investigate the ultrastructural changes of morphine dependent rat in the brain area of ventral tegmental area ( VTA) and locus coeruleus ( LC). 目的:研究吗啡依赖大鼠中脑腹侧被盖(VTA)及蓝斑(LC)神经元超微结构的改变。
After HRP injections to the olfactory bulb, moderate to small number of labeled cells appeared regularly in ipsilateral ventral tegmental area ( Tsai). 将HRP注入猫的一侧嗅球后,在同侧中脑腹侧被盖区规律性地出现不等量的标记细胞。
Effects of electrical and chemical stimulation of the dorsal and ventral medial area of nucleus facialis ( dMNF and vMNF) on myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle were observed in 44 urethane anaesthetized and vagotomized rabbits. 在44只氨基甲酸乙酯麻醉、断双侧迷走神经的健康成年家兔上,观察电、化学刺激面神经核背内侧区(dMNF)和腹内侧区(vMNF)对颏舌肌和膈肌肌电活动的影响。
Striatum is an important structure of basal ganglion, which is composed of ventral striatum and dorsal striatum receiving glutamatergic afferent from prefrontal cortex and dopaminergic afferent originating from ventral tegmental area of midbrain. 纹状体(Striatum)是构成基底神经节的一个核团,由腹侧纹状体和背侧纹状体组成,接受来自大脑皮层的谷氨酸能纤维传入和来自中脑黑质的多巴胺能纤维传入。
Objective To observe the regulation of α-7 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors(α-7-nAChRs) by nicotine in the ventral tegmental area ( VTA), the substantia nigra ( SN) and the cortex of the rat. Methods Nicotine exposed animal models were established. 目的观察大鼠暴露尼古丁对中脑腹侧背盖区(VTA)、黑质(SN)和大脑皮质α-7型神经烟碱胆碱能受体(α-7-nAChRs)表达的影响。
Objective To study the morphological changes of dopaminergic neurons in mesencephalic ventral tegmental area ( VTA) of dementia model induced by aluminum and to discuss the possible role of VTA dopaminergic neurons in learning and memory. 目的观察铝中毒痴呆模型大鼠中脑腹侧被盖区(VTA)多巴胺(DA)神经元的形态学变化,探讨中枢多巴胺递质在学习、记忆中的作用。
The area 32 of cingulate cortex receives the projection of AChE-positive neurons from the ventral tegmental area. 扣带皮质32区还接受来自被盖腹侧区AChE阳性神经元的投射纤维。
This system includes the dopamine neurons locating in ventral tegmental area ( VTA) and substantia nigra compacta ( SNc) and their projection areas dorsal striatum ( caudate and putamen), nucleus accumbens ( NAc), hippocampus, prefrontal cortex ( PFC) and amygdala. 该系统包括位于腹侧被盖区和黑质致密层的多巴胺神经细胞,以及该类细胞的主要投射区:背部纹状体、伏核、海马、前额皮质和杏仁核[2,3]。